

We advise governments and donors in different countries on the development of health systems. This advise could be an assessment of the health system but also on more strategic issues like transition to a more competitive envrionment, efficiency in het system with quality indicators, health financing and funding.

ing adviseren (lokale) overheden, toezichthouders,  brancheorganisaties, zorgaanbieders en zorgverzekeraars over complexe vraagstukken op het gebied van financiering en bekostiging, governance, contractering, netwerkvorming, marktordening en mededinging.

International bodies like the World Health Organisation (WHO), WorldBank, European Commission and country-specific donors like the German and Swiss development agencies do frequently call on our expertise and experience regarding health systems and especially finance, governance, public-private partnerships, etc.

The Netherlands

In the Netherlands our clients are health providers and insurers, umbrella organisations, governmental agencies, governmental authorities, municipalities, etc. mostly regarding health related questions.

Specific our interest is in market access and reimbursement of innovative medicines and devices. In this field we support the payer as well as the pharmaceutical industry for understanding the procedures and considerations. For new expensive medicines medicines there is an extra threshold called the lock system where price negotiations are conditional for reimbursement.